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    1. Went back to my hometown. And hiring under false pretenses.

      by , 07-25-2016 at 01:26 AM
      Dream 1 non-lucid: I found myself in a non-lucid dream in my hometown. They seemed to be under a form of martial law. I had to help deliver a baby which was odd. And the fact that a childhood friend I haven't talked to in quite some time was by my side all along the way. None of the places were actual places in my tiny small hometown, lol. The soldiers were invading an event at the high school & I was being ushered around like I had been beckoned to help everyone. Apparently I got there in time & we ran them off. There were celebrations at this point.

      Dream 2-Non-lucid: Oh & this was the dream I couldn't remember yesterday but did recall today. Non-lucid but very bright & vivid. I was in this city with hotels, casinos, eccentric themed shows. Anyway, I was being approached by different kinds of people who wanted me to move there & work. It had a connection to a glamorous casino/hotel I dreamed about before. So I was walking & talking quite a bit in this dream, in restaurants & those other places I mentioned. I noticed a theme going though & didn't want to move there to work. There were many con artists in this dream who were working with other people to make me just another "mark" for these jobs. See, if you took the job you'd have to move there & it was just a vicious cycle of the landlords wanting people who lived basically hand to mouth in the end. You'd make just enough to pay for rent & do your job with a little extra after that but basically you could never move away & are surrounded by people you don't know & can't rely on.

      That first dream I think came from listening to stuff about the elections. Someone had mentioned martial law being a possibility if the "elite powers that be" don't think Hillary will win they could invoke martial law after they create something that would allow them to do so.

      The second was about my husbands job. They sent out legal documents to all employees by law because they are going to do a mass firing of at least 100 people starting very soon. Just FYI, I used to work there too so I know a lot about how government likes their private businesses run. They make the batteries that goes into the space shuttle, all kinds of weapons, including TOP SECRET ones. The list is extensive & the new buyout was unprecedented. Some one bought all of the plants, not just 1 which happens sometimes. They have already fired a crazy amount of ppl including very smart people. It's a scary scenario.

      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    2. Popping people & government agencies showing up while we watched orbs in the sky

      by , 07-23-2016 at 05:42 AM
      D1: non-lucid: A nightmare in the twilight zone is the best way to describe it. I was in this house & I heard someone. People were popping in & out of existence! They would appear & disappear & then other people who appear & disappear. Most were coming back repeatedly & it was really creepy.

      D2: non-lucid: I chained right into this next dream. There were orbs flying around in the sky. A cluster of orbs. Me & other people were chasing them through peoples yards & suddenly government people appeared. They had set a table with all kinds of technological devices.

      I was watching a show about UFO's before I went to sleep.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    3. Recording our final existence

      by , 07-22-2016 at 01:53 AM
      Non-Lucid but very vivid: I was living among a colony of people. We were gathering resources necessary for our survival. We were constantly moving from place to place, each one higher than the last. We are fleeing the water that in on the constant rise & the rain continues off & on so that there isn't much of a reprieve. I saw no sun or moon. It seemed very odd whether it was earth or not was not clear. I watched children with awe at children finding small things to play with. I was appointed somehow to document our travels & our existence. It did not feel like this was the earth I know.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    4. Bad dream recall

      by , 07-21-2016 at 03:32 AM
      Bad dream recall of a non-lucid nightmare about my mother n law. But I've been worrying about her & had anxiety over going to see her today for the first time since she moved in assisted living.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    5. Cool new ability of Lucid for me! I changed a person into a person I new!

      by , 07-19-2016 at 02:13 AM
      I was in a survivor challenge where you had to start a boat & race it but in one heat I was having trouble starting it. My opponent looked like one person but felt like another so I became lucid at this point. I turned that person into my ex-girlfriend Gail! I've never turned someone into someone else like this. I was still trying to win but I tried to cheat & have my husband start the boat ahead of time & was disqualified. But then I had a funny thought like "hey, maybe I could sell this engine on ebay!"
    6. Time to rest

      by , 07-17-2016 at 09:48 PM
      Only non-lucid's and actually rather vivid but I don't have time for recall. I need to eat & get some rest. Burnt my feet on the concrete & one has a huge blister. A new slide there was a mistake to try. Literally only a few had went on it before we & I almost came out it. I was one that drops you like 8 stories straight down & there isn't much water. It was more of a free fall mostly. Anyway I got hurt. They asked me if I sat up & I said I lifted my head up a little to get my back off of the slide because it was cutting me. Had a good time anyway & I will be wearing water shoes in the future to go to other water parks away from home.

      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
      Tags: non - lucid
      side notes , non-lucid
    7. Emotional lucids with multiple types of dreams techniques. Very interesting indeed.

      by , 07-15-2016 at 05:32 PM
      D1: Lucid- I was in this luxurious house where I murder had been committed. There was a dead woman. I was consoling a friend that I don't know in my waking life but I became lucid & because I felt so connected to her I tried to find out more about her. She was hysterical. I was also looking around the room looking for hints of any kind due to the familiarity of the woman.... I woke up briefly due to a power surge in my home. My neighbors pulled down a power line which switched off our new central air & other electrical devices. I got up to pee & turn the our fans back on but came back to bed because I just thought it was a fluke surge.

      D2: Lucid- I had just came back to bed & immediately started my dream state again. I was in a radio studio giving an interview with the same woman I felt I knew which made me intensively lucid because she was just in my last dream. It was about the murder & a house that burned down. I was confused about the house burning down. I had said something to my friend & to the listening viewers into the radio microphone. Suddenly I hear crying. I look next to me & my friend was now 2 chairs over & an older woman was between us & crying. I felt it was my fault & was apologizing to her because I was referring to my friend & was trying to tell this older woman this. My friend had her arm around this woman but I felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness & started to cry. I think she was the murdered woman. I woke up crying with a strong sense of grief.

      D3: Lucid- I fell right back into the dream from an awake state so I started this dream lucid of course. The scene changed where I was standing behind a house & behind this house was one that was burned down. My friend was there again.... I started to utilize the state of the dream & said we should start to rebuild the house. I had started to use my mind to move some of the rubble to begin the building process. But my friend was saying we couldn't do this without a permit so we started a conversation about this when I was awakened again because of the electricity issue in real life. My son had come into my room. Hence my dream was over before I could finish the house project.

      I spent the day using mnemonic method. Also a new visual of technique in particular that I've been doing over the last week where I look at myself in the mirror & close my eyes while holding the visual of my own face in the mirror.... I read you can only dream of people you have seen before in your waking life which in turn if you have not seen them in this lifetime they could be from a past life, alternate universe, duel reality, or parallel plane. If I was to take a guess to which this one would be it would be the parallel plane or duel reality...... I recently read a book that told of the "ether". It's what Buddhist's belief system & many other cultures who have a strong ability to astral travel talk of. I've also been doing the exercises to that allow you achieve such goal. It's a very interesting concept & my meditation practices are growing stronger due to these exercises.... I was able to achieve a number of techniques over this night which I'm really excited about.

      v-wild, vild, chaining, lucid, deild chain, familiar people, non - lucid, ada dild/self awarenss, meditation technique

      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    8. Long ass day!

      by , 07-15-2016 at 12:15 AM
      I woke up from a non-lucid dream but didn't have time to write it down or try & remember many details. My stomach has been messed up all day. Think I got a touch of food poisoning from Taco Bell, lol.
    9. Family Trip

      by , 07-13-2016 at 09:16 PM
      Non-Lucid to Lucid: My family was going on a vacation on a big river or lake somewhere. There came this big rain & some of us had tents that were right next to the water & had to try to find other places to sleep. Things were just so surreal at this point so I knew I had to be dreaming & became lucid so knowing my family I wanted to see what else was to come that I could amp up on steroids through lucidty. But for now I was seeing where we were walking along & it was going well under the circumstances so I was just waiting for my "in". Then we were going down the dock on our way to get the the buffet that was supposed to be available but went right past it cuz it was just this one little cart. So we were disappointed. It was time to go look for other things to do but Mike called & ruined it!

      Oddly enough it reminded me of another dream I had years ago on a lake. It just popped in my head & that was pretty cool in itself... I'd say this dream was probably about me being overwhelmed & wanting to do some positive things with my family where I don't have to think about the stressful things for a while. It's all about time management. But this weekend is about Mike. He needs to take a vacation day for himself & not just use them for shit that needs to get done so maybe next week or weekend. I also want to get back to doing a little wbtb stuff next week & hopefully some chaining. Setting an alarm helps a lot.... I also had a failed v-mild which I was using a mirror but not gonnna elaborate cuz it's a little personal.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    10. Ellen Degeneres & Steve Moses from Big Brother Season 17

      by , 07-13-2016 at 02:08 AM
      D1: Non-lucid- I was granted access to the Ellen Degeneres set & became friends from her. She showed me around in the building into secret hangout places & into a hidden parking garage. We hung out for quite a while but there was nothing remarkable about it.

      D2: Non-lucid- I was hanging out with Steve Moses from season 17 of Big Brother. I don't remember much of the detail but we watched him sitting on the block waiting to see if he was going to be voted out, lol.

      I have no idea what either of these dreams even mean.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    11. Non-lucid 50's meets Willy Wonka

      by , 07-11-2016 at 09:03 PM
      I was watching the scene unfold. The people wore the attire from the 50's but there were candies & such oddities that reminded me of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory movie. I was supposed to marry one man but was being guided along another path from scene to scene showing me why another was more suitable for me. It was very light hearted & really calm & happy. I was just enjoying it until I got woke up from stomach pains. Damn constipation, lol.

      I have been reading about meditation which is helping me keep centered & calm but I can't wait till my son goes back to college so I can use living room for some new meditations. He's up at all hours & is really loud talking with fellow gamers. He just gets louder & louder due to the headphones. Sigh. Momma needs her meditation time damn it!

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    12. Partial OOB- Astral- Non lucids only

      by , 07-10-2016 at 12:21 AM
      I didn't get much sleep. Had to get up & go move my mother n law into an Assisted Living Home cuz her dementia is so bad. So I had a vague non-lucid but l had to get around quickly & didn't have time to write it down.

      On a brighter strange note. Yesterday I forgot to mention something due to time. I woke up to go pee in the middle of the night & was standing in the doorway of my bathroom & I felt vibrations & heard the whirl & saw my arms. My astral arms & my regular arms. I was just stopped in the doorway kind of taken a back by it. This has never happened before while just walking through my house & i was just kind of in awe of it. I knew I needed sleep cuz of so much going on so I just went back to bed when the experience ended after about 2 minutes.....

      Strangely enough it may have to do w/ a weird visual thing I've been doing lately. See, I've been building this dream house in my head for years just to fall asleep until a couple of weeks ago when I started doing it again but now I find myself subconsciously doing it at other times. I'll be reading & comprehending my book but my mind is building my house & I go a couple of paragraphs & think, man this is weird. Then I realized I was doing it while just walking through my house just out of the blue. Kind of like daydreaming or something but I'm still doing whatever task. It's like I've trained my brain to multitask this one thing because I'm always tweaking details to my house.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    13. only non-lucids but no recall

      by , 07-09-2016 at 02:03 AM
      Only non lucids but no recall. Didn't sleep well cuz I have big things happening in my family. Life altering things to deal w/ so I only have time to log this small note & then I have to get right off.
      Tags: non - lucid
    14. WBTB method but all my notes are jumbled.

      by , 07-06-2016 at 02:55 AM
      Used the WBTB method & had many non lucid dreams & one that was really starting to be lucid but they were too intricate to write & remember with my pain level being so high & my notes look like a drunk person wrote them. What I thought was a zit in my nose is actually an ingrown hair so now not only do I have pain I have a hole in the inside of my nose from it draining. I slept all day just to wake up repeatedly to take meds. Making myself eat but all I really want to do is go back to sleep. I'm frustrated.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    15. "Big Brother Dorm Edition" & In the wrong business

      by , 07-03-2016 at 06:25 PM
      D1: Nice vivid non-lucid- My aunt Jill, (who is 17 days older than me in real life) are living in this dorm like setting participating in a "Big Brother Dorm Edition" so there were camera's everywhere. Apparently I had missed a season on the show like it was a 4 part season but I had missed the last one for some reason & she wasn't happy w/ me about it but I'm not sure why I missed it. We were arguing about this right before a live competition while we were watching the first team go. They were in this Derby looking car & were being twisted & turned at a fast speed along electrical lines which looked really sketchy & being flung around with jerky motion. Someone got hurt somehow but it wasn't clear how or why... (Became lucid) I was still arguing with Jill about treating me like shit & she was defensive. I walked away & started practicing with Derrick Levasseur who was the winner of "Big Brother 16". Meesha woke me up while I was back arguing w/ Jill which sucked because I was lucid by this time trying to talk to her about real life issues. I woke up feeling like I wanted to talk to her but decided against it cuz it's a lost cause due to the fact that my grandmother "Crazy Daisy" lives w/ her which I don't like & Jill acted like a bitch the last time she was at my house about 10 yrs ago. At the time there was nothing wrong with my house but it was just modestly small. She took her baby outside in her van to change it like my bed wasn't good enough for her. It was so boldly rude. My house was clean & there was absolutely no reason for this. It makes my blood boil when ppl are like that, let alone family. In my opinion she can just go fuck herself.

      D2: I was at some audition like I was some aspiring actress. Everything was funny about this. It was running lines & acting certain ways. Like some really fucked up version of "I Love Lucy" because it wasn't wholesome & the people were represented as intelligent but comedic. I was lying my ass off about my credentials & this woman there new it so she pulled me aside & told me I was going places but not as actress. She said she thought I could easily be a script writer. I was beginning to become lucid when Meesha woke me up but it was just too late.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
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